Our company seeks to meet the high expectations of our customers and consumers. In that pursuit, we have adopted standards to achieve appropriate safety and quality standards of our products and to deter wrongdoing. These company standards also promote honest and ethical conduct and help ensure that our business is conducted in a consistently legal and ethical manner. We are dedicated to ensuring that our supply chain processes and expectations meet the needs of consumers, uphold rights of individual workers and advance protections the environment.
With deliberate attention, we strive to comply with all laws applicable to our business, and our business practices will adhere to our established standards of ethics and corporate and social responsibility. We encourage and expect that similar standards will be maintained by companies that provide our products, including primary manufacturers, decorators and others throughout our product supply chain. We also expect our suppliers to implement procedures to promote continuous compliance with applicable legal and safety requirements, and upon mutual agreement, to open their factories and records for audits by our company’s staff or qualified third-party agents or contractors.
Where a business practice contrary to these standards is discovered within our company or our supply chain business partners, we are committed to taking appropriate action to bring the business practice within acceptable standards.
Forced Labor & Human Trafficking: We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including indentured, prison, servitude, and bonded labor, slavery of any kind and any form of human trafficking. We, together with all facilities within our organization and all subcontractors, will maintain employment strictly on a voluntary basis.
Child Labor: We will comply with the minimum ages of workers as prescribed by local law and international standards applicable to our Company and operations. We prohibit the employment of any child at any stage of manufacturing in the supply chain under the age of 15 (or 14 where local law allows), or where the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher.
Humane Treatment of Labor: We honor the human spirit and societal expectations by demanding and maintaining a work environment that is dignified in all respects and free from violence, inhumane treatment of workers and any form of actual or threatened harassment or verbal, physical, sexual or psychological abuse.
No Discrimination: We value diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and in our business operations. We prohibit discrimination in all business activities on the basis of age, nationality, race, religion, social status, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, disability, or other protected classes as determined by local law. We adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations. We expect our business partners, at a minimum, will safeguard their workers’ rights under similar laws and regulations.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: We respect the right of all workers, in conformance with local law, to form or join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively and to engage in peaceful assembly without unlawful interference, discrimination, retaliation, intimidation or harassment.
Workplace Environment Health & Safety: We will provide a safe, secure, and hygienic workplace in compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. Adequate due diligence shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health by minimizing hazards inherent in the working environment.
Hours of Work: We honor labor by maintaining work schedules in compliance with the maximum hours of permitted work set by local law where workers are employed. Except in emergency or unusual business circumstances or where restricted otherwise by local law, regular working hours are expected to be limited to 48 hours or less per week, and the total hours worked in any 7-day period should not exceed 60 hours. Workers shall be provided with at least one day off in every 7-day period. All overtime shall be consensual and compensated according to applicable law.
Wages and Benefits: We comply with all applicable local wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and wage rates and legally mandated labor benefits. We will also promote, where feasible, a wage and benefits regime that meets or exceeds industry benchmark standards so as to provide labor an ability to meet basic needs based on locality and to provide discretionary income for improvement of life.
Business Ethics: We are committed to perform all aspects of our business with high standards of ethical conduct. We require compliance with all antitrust laws applicable to our business, as well as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and all similar international, federal, state or local laws. We prohibit the provision of any benefit upon any domestic or foreign government official or agent, or any employee of a private company for the purpose of improperly influencing any action by such individual. We encourage the prompt disclosure and proper management of any conflicts of interest that may arise within our business operations or transactions so that these core business ethics philosophies are honored.
Environmental: We are committed to a role of environmental leadership in our industry. We promote environmental responsibility as a core value for our business and our industry partners. We are vigilant to identify ways to proactively address environmental impacts of our operations. At a minimum, our business practices and activities will comply with applicable environmental laws and company policies that impact environmental sustainability.